Members of TEC


Turgunov Sobitkhon Toshpolatovich

Chairperson of the Commission

Born in 1965, he has a higher education – graduated from Fergana State Pedagogical Institute in 1990. His specialty according to his education is general technical sciences and labor, he is a professor.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, he is actively working as the chairperson of the Territorial Election Commission.


Urmanova Umidakhon Gulomjonovna

Deputy Chairperson of the Commission

Born in 1978, she has a higher education – graduated from Namangan State University in 1999. Her specialty according to her education is teaching Uzbek language and literature.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, she is actively working as the deputy chairperson of the Territorial Election Commission.


Kamolov Bobir Khamidovich

Commission Secretary

Born in 1971, he has a higher education – graduated from Tashkent State University of Economics in 1993. His specialty according to his education is economics.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, he is actively working as the secretary of the Territorial Election Commission.


Usmanova Saodat Umarovna

Member of the commission

Born in 1967, she has a higher education – graduated from Namangan State Pedagogical Institute in 1989. Her specialty according to her education is teaching Russian language and literature.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, she is actively working as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Mirzakhmedov Shokirjon Sobirovich

Member of the Commission

Born in 1960, he has a higher education – graduated from Tashkent State Medical Institute in 1983. His specialty according to his education is dentist.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, he is actively working as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Azimov Sarvar Abdurakhimovich

Member of the commission

Born in 1981, he has a higher education – graduated from Namangan Engineering Economics Institute in 2002. His specialty according to his education is economics and accounting.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, he is actively working as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Chuboyeva Ozodaxon Kuvonchbekovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1965, she has a higher education – graduated from Tashkent State University in 1992. Her specialty according to her education is jurisprudence.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, she has been serving as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Fayzullayev Axror Abdurakhmon o‘gli

Member of the Commission

Born in 1993, he has a higher education – graduated from Tashkent State University of Law in 2019. His specialty according to his education is jurisprudence.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, he has been serving as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Yunusova E’tiborxon Abduhalilovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1969, she has a higher education – graduated from Tashkent State Pedagogical University in 1998. Her specialty according to her education is teaching Uzbek language and literature.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, she has been serving as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Kobilova Shakhnoza Usmonovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1987, she has a higher education – graduated from Namangan State University in 2010. Her specialty according to her education is teaching national independence values and spiritual foundations.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, she has been serving as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Nurmatov Abdulbosit Abdulboqi o‘g‘li

Member of the Commission

Born in 1993, he has a higher education – graduated from Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute in 2016. His specialty according to his education is in computer science and information technologies.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, he has been serving as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Tuxtaboyev Gafirjon Tursunboyevich

Member of the Commission

Born in 1972, he has a higher education – graduated from Namangan Institute of Technology in 1995. His specialty according to his education is vocational education.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, he has been serving as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Dyachenko Anna Aleksandrovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1981, she has a higher education – graduated from Namangan State University in 2021. Her specialty according to her education is teaching Russian language and literature.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, she has been serving as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Karimov Rustamjon Xolmirzayevich

Member of the Commission

Born in 1983, he has a higher education – graduated from Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute in 2005. His specialty according to his education is in computer science and information technologies.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, he has been serving as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Egamberdiyeva Mukhayyo Zokirovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1987, she has a higher education – graduated from Namangan State University in 2013. Her specialty according to her education is a primary school teacher.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, she has been serving as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.



Raxmonov Odiljon Sobirjonovich

Member of the Commission

Born in 1989, he has a higher education – graduated from Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute in 2005. His specialty according to his education is technological machinery and equipment.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, he has been serving as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Movjidova Mamura Yusupjonovna

Member of the Commission

Born in 1982, she has a higher education – graduated from the Tashkent State Engineering Pedagogical Institute in 2006. Her specialty according to her education is a teacher of the Uzbek language and literature.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, she has been serving as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Mavlonova Nargiza To'xtasin qizi

Member of the Commission

Born in 1993, she has a higher education – graduated from Andijan State University in 2016. Her specialty according to her education is philology and teaching languages.


According to the decision of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2024, No. 1333, she has been serving as a member of the Territorial Election Commission.


Tukhtabaev Azamjon Sharipkhojaevich

Commission Member

Teacher of the Department of English Language and Literature at Namangan State University


Sattorov Akramjon Usmonovich

Commission Membe

Secretary of the Council of Namangan State University


Sobitov Azamkhon Tursunpulatovich

Commission Member

Editor-in-Chief of "Namangan Haqiqati" Newspaper