Territorial election commission
of Namangan region


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55 Election Districts Established in the Region




Yesterday, a regular meeting of the Namangan Regional Election Commission was held. The meeting discussed the issue of establishing election districts for the election of deputies to the Namangan Regional Council of People's Deputies. The meeting was chaired by Sobitxon Turg‘unov, the head of the Namangan Regional Election Commission.


The proposal of the regional governor regarding the establishment of election districts for the election of deputies to the Regional Council of People's Deputies was accepted for information.



In accordance with Articles 9, 20, and 88 of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the Regulation on the Procedure for the Formation of Election Districts and Precincts approved by the Resolution No. 1338 of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan on June 5, 2024, the decision of the regional election commission was adopted.


According to this decision, 55 election districts were established for the election of deputies to the Namangan Regional Council of People's Deputies.



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